Welcome to LEVEL TWO. Life with the arrival of baby number 2 | Dad life | Mas & Pas

You’re at that point in a computer game, the one where you think you’ve nearly finished. You’ve mastered the gameplay, you know all the little tricks and strategies that lowly beginners miss. You’re feeling pretty smug, then suddenly – rather than being congratulated for completing the game – a big ‘Level TWO’ sign drops into view! Within moments you discover that ‘Level TWO’ is much harder than ‘Level ONE’. This isn’t a game anymore.

Parenting Has Turned My Brain to Mush – The Good Men Project

I used to pride myself on my… on my… on my… you know… my… collection of words… the ones I use.. when I… you know speak.
I’ve just Googled it.
I used to pride myself on my vocabulary.
Seriously I did.

The Sequel: ANOTHER 5 Stupid things I am regularly asked!!!

If you think you’re busy, but you still have time to poo on your own – then, frankly, you’re not.