5 Things I Learned When Baby #2 Arrived

It’s a funny thing: LIFE. Don’t you think?
We only really get any clue of what’s actually happening around us later – with the benefit of time and distance. 
This is certainly true when it comes to parenting children. Now that I’m a dad of two, my perspective is COMPLETELY different to when I was at the coalface of childcare for an only child. 


It’s not only Santa who’s in a giving mood at this time of year.

Here are my hacks to make Christmas (almost) bearable. You can thank me later.

‘Thingy’, ‘Whatsit’ & ‘Doodah!’ Parenting has turned my brain to mush!

I used to pride myself on my… on my… on my… you know… my… collection of words… the ones I use.. when I… you know speak. 
I’ve just Googled it. 
I used to pride myself on my vocabulary. 
Seriously I did. 

How much is too much TV? It’s a mystery.

I remember his mother and I would discuss, in those oft-remembered (much missed) quiet relaxed evenings before our son was born, television’s role in our household. We’d pretty much decided that our offspring would never be sullied by exposure to the telly. Equally he’d never touch sugar, only eat organic and spend his life with well-thought through educationally relevant play. 

What mugs we were!

Hell is other people’s kids…

Nobody, and I really mean NOBODY is interested in other people’s holiday snaps. They are the photographic equivalent of watching Songs Of Praise at your nan’s house or uncomfortable chats with taxi drivers – something to be endured and got over with, as quickly as is humanly possible. 

I’m sorry to say it, but it’s the same with other people’s kids. We all love our own offspring, we find what they do absolutely fascinating. We talk about them endlessly. We rearrange our entire lives for them. Yet, despite all this, our kids are ONLY of interest to US. For everyone else they are (at best) dull and (at worst) actively irritating.