Dear Diary…

This year, for Father’s Day, I was asked by children’s dental hygiene brand Brush-Baby to write some pieces about the experience of being a dad. I jumped at the chance to talk about fatherhood – writing 4 ‘Dear Diary…’ columns that were published by the brand in the run up to the big day. If you’d likeContinue reading "Dear Diary…"

How to Survive Story-time!

“Once upon a time they all lived happily ever after.” Wait a minute. That’s not right! Let’s try that again. “Once Upon a Time there was a beautiful princess”… “And they all lived happily ever after.” Woah! What about the middle of the story? Shall we try again (again)? “Once Upon a Time there wasContinue reading "How to Survive Story-time!"

How to WIN at Social Media

It takes a little more than access to a few hot Instagram filters and sick buzzwords (that the young people love) to be an international social media sensation. Here’s my foolproof guide to being a smash-hit on Facechat, Snapbook and the like…

Vilo Sky Webinar – Insights from a Stay-at-home-dad

The amazing folks at Vilo Sky have asked me to take part in a webinar discussing life as a stay-at-home-dad (or SAHD). The event is online on June 17th (2021) and can be registered for here.